Temporarily Turn off Ticket Assignment To An Agent Open the agent’s user profile by going to USERS->All Users, navigating to the user profile and clicking the user name link. Scroll down until you get to the Awesome Support Preferences section. Uncheck the box labeled Can Be Assigned Click the Update User button. Permanently Turn Off Ticket Assignment To An Agent… Continue reading Basic Admin: Turn Off Ticket Assignment To An Agent
Chapter: Admin Guide
Basic Admin: Add An Agent
To add an agent to Awesome Support, all you have to do is add a regular use and grant them the Support Agent Role. Go to USERS->ADD User Fill in the requested user information In the Role field select Support Agent from the drop-down Click the Add New User button. Go to the USERS list again. Navigate to the new user you created and… Continue reading Basic Admin: Add An Agent
Privacy: End User Experience and Options
If the admin enables the PRIVACY button for users under TICKETS->SETTINGS->PRIVACY, then users can manage many of their own privacy related activities directly in the tickets dashboard. All privacy related options will be under the new PRIVACY button. When the user clicks the button they can see a screen that contains up to three tabs:… Continue reading Privacy: End User Experience and Options
ADMIN: Multi-Vendor Marketplaces
Multi-vendor marketplaces require special considerations – you can read this article that walks you through the various operational settings you will need to effectively use Awesome Support in a multi-vendor marketplace: Multi-vendor Marketplaces Setup Guide Note that this guide include references to premium add-on products that will be needed if you want a safe and… Continue reading ADMIN: Multi-Vendor Marketplaces
ADMIN: Multiple Ticket Forms
Awesome Support has one primary form that users can use to submit tickets. To create multiple forms (including multi-page and conditional forms) you can use the Gravity Forms plugin along with our Gravity Forms bridge. However, in many cases you can simulate multiple forms by pre-populating the form fields with data passed in via URL QUERYVARs. Ok, yes,… Continue reading ADMIN: Multiple Ticket Forms
ADMIN: Multiple Ticket Forms
Awesome Support has one primary form that users can use to submit tickets. To create multiple forms (including multi-page and conditional forms) you can use the Gravity Forms plugin along with our Gravity Forms bridge. However, in many cases you can simulate multiple forms by pre-populating the form fields with data passed in via URL QUERYVARs. Ok, yes,… Continue reading ADMIN: Multiple Ticket Forms
Here are the options that can be added to wp-config to control the behavior of Awesome Support: WPAS_SLUG By default, all tickets will be accessed through a URL of the type domain.com/ticket/my-ticket-title. If you wish to change the slug ticket to something else, let’s say help, so that your URLs look like domain.com/help/my-ticket-title, you need… Continue reading ADMIN: WP-CONFIG Options
ADMIN: Roles And Capabilities In Add-ons
Some add-ons create additional capabilities to help secure the new functions provided by the add-ons. Service Level Agreements ticket_sla_admin ticket_edit_due_date Power Pack create_ticket_support_note edit_ticket_with_full_editor add_tickets_to_hotlist Company Profiles (Shared Tickets) ticket_company_profile_self_add (Not automatically created) ticket_manage_company_profiles
ADMIN: Roles And Capabilities
When Awesome Support is installed there are FOUR new ROLES that are added to your WordPress site along with a slew of new WordPress Capabilities. These four roles are: Support Supervisor – has the same rights as your editors plus all rights for Awesome Support. Its internal role name is wpas_manager. Support Manager – has the same rights as your subscribers plus all rights for… Continue reading ADMIN: Roles And Capabilities
ADMIN: Handling Existing Users After Installation
Normally, when a user registers through the plugin, he/she is given the role Support User. This role has special capabilities. However, if you are installing into a WordPress system that already have users who are registered then these users will already have a role assigned – a role that will not have these special ticket capabilities. These… Continue reading ADMIN: Handling Existing Users After Installation