Note: This document is no longer being updated. Instead you can find a more extensive list of hooks and filters on our developers portal at General Filters and Action Hooks Filter: wpas_before_submit_new_ticket_checks add_filter( ‘wpas_before_submit_new_ticket_checks’, array( $this, ‘check_required_fields’ ) ); Use this filter to control whether to accept or reject a ticket when the ticket is being… Continue reading Hooks and Filters
Chapter: Customization
Introduction When an admin switches the language in WordPress, Awesome Support will generally automatically switch to the same language. However, for some languages not all terms may be translated. For these terms, you can add your own translations. In order to translate the un-translated terms, you start with a file that contains the entire list… Continue reading Translations
Adding Conditional Logic
Conditional Logic allows you to configure your Ticket Submission form to show/hide fields, or even the submit button based on user selections. This allows you to make the looks more compact than it really is, and also provide a better user experience for your WordPress users. Demo video Still confused? Have a look at our video (Ad… Continue reading Adding Conditional Logic
Ticket Details Page Template
While the submission page and the tickets list page can easily use custom templates by selecting them in the edit view, ticket details pages can’t. The reason for that is simple: ticket details page is a “post type single view”. This means that WordPress automatically selects the template to use without letting you choose a… Continue reading Ticket Details Page Template
How to disable agent auto-assignment?
If you need to disable the auto-assignment function and hence have all new tickets assigned to the default agent (set in the plugin general settings), you can add this constant in your theme’s functions.php file: define( ‘WPAS_DISABLE_AUTO_ASSIGN’, true ); Note that this will only disable auto-assignment in the core WordPress plugin. It will NOT disable auto-assignment in… Continue reading How to disable agent auto-assignment?
If you want to change the ticket details page template, please follow this guide: Ticket Details Page Template The plugin comes with a theme for the front-end part that should be compatible with most themes. However, if you want / need to customize it so that it fits your theme better, there is a way to… Continue reading Templating
Custom Fields
Introduction Awesome Support’s ticket submission form can be customized with custom fields. Those custom fields can be defined manually by using the wrapper functions available. Note: you can also use our Custom Fields Add-on that provides a nice visual interface for creating custom fields with no programming necessary. Or you can create a completely custom ticket form… Continue reading Custom Fields