We have written extensive guides on using these two plugins with Awesome Support. Using Awesome Support With WPML Using Awesome Support With Polylang We hope you find them useful!

Using POEDITOR.COM For Translations

Awesome Support submits its translation catalog to PoEditor.com which allows users to directly translate strings and then download the translations in the file format that WordPress requires.  The core translation project can be found here: https://poeditor.com/join/project/P6HgfPnBt4 Once you’ve signed up and been granted access to the project.  Your translation screen will look similar to the following:… Continue reading Using POEDITOR.COM For Translations

Links To Existing PO Files

Awesome Support includes full and partial translations for many languages.  However, only MO files are shipped with the core plugin.  If you would like to edit the PO files to create your own MO files you can download them using the links below. However, please note that if your translations are not specific to your… Continue reading Links To Existing PO Files


Introduction When an admin switches the language in WordPress, Awesome Support will generally automatically switch to the same language.  However, for some languages not all terms may be translated.  For these terms, you can add your own translations. In order to translate the un-translated terms, you start with a file that contains the entire list… Continue reading Translations

Smart Chat
Smart Replies add-on Chat X