An individual ticket screen consists of FIVE areas:
Below is an image showing each of these individual areas – each number corresponds to the area in the list above.
As an agent this is quite possibly the area you will be using the most. It is located at the very bottom of the ticket. By default you can type a reply, attach files and send the reply by clicking the REPLY or REPLY & CLOSE buttons.
However, you can purchase add-ons that expand the functionality of this area. The Canned Response and FAQ add-ons for example, add more options to this area. Here is an example of what that area can look like with certain add-ons:
The Ticket Details area is located on the right side of the ticket. It contains a lot of information that can assist you with handling the ticket. Information is segmented into boxes so that related functions are grouped together. Generally you will most often find yourself using the Ticket Details and User Profile boxes.
The ticket details box shows you:
And provides you options to:
The user profile box shows you:
As of Version 3.6, there are additional metaboxes available:
Depending on which add-ons you have purchased, there might be additional metaboxes. Some examples are:
As you probably suspect, the right side of the ticket screen can quickly become crowded. However, you can hide individual metaboxes or rearrange them by clicking-and-dragging them up/down to new locations.
To hide metaboxes, look in the upper right side of the screen for a link named Screen Options. Click on that and in the resulting screen drop-down you can check/uncheck individual metaboxes to show/not-show as you prefer.
See Also