Awesome Support submits its translation catalog to which allows users to directly translate strings and then download the translations in the file format that WordPress requires. The core translation project can be found here:
Once you’ve signed up and been granted access to the project. Your translation screen will look similar to the following:
The left side will show the strings to be translated and the right side is where you’ll enter your translation. You can then quickly run through the strings and add your translation.
After you have completed your translation, you can download them in one of many formats. WordPress expects that the translations be in the MO file format. When you choose the option to export your translations you will see a screen that looks similar to this one:
Choose the MO file format – in the image above its the one with the red box. Many users also choose to download the PO file format – this is the human-readable text file that can be edited in any text editor.
Once the file is downloaded you need to RENAME it and then upload it to the awesome-support/languages folder on your WordPress server. The filename needs to in the following format:
The key thing here is to use the language code that WordPress expects for your language. Sometimes the language code is 2 characters and sometimes it is 4 or 5. You can find the full list of language codes on the WordPress site here:
So, for example, a Hindi translation file will be named Since there are multiple locales for French, that file might be named or or depending on the locale.
The name of the file for add-ons will depend on the name of the add-on. You can see the name of the existing basic POT file in the languages folder and use that name as the root name. So, for example, the email piping languages folder contains the file as-email-support.pot. The root name is as-email-support. So your language file name would be
Find out more about WordPress translations here: and here:
See Also