WPML has specific configuration for theme and plugin translations. As we are focusing on translating the Awesome Support plugin we need to set one of two options.
First, you will need to access the “Theme and plugins localization” page from the “WPML” menu node on the left side menu on the administration panel.
Once the page has loaded at the top you will see the “Localization options” section. There will be three radio buttons for the “How to translate strings in themes and plugins?” option. To issue correct translations with Awesome Support we will need to use WPML’s String Translations, so we will NOT use the third option “Don’t use String Translation to translate themes and plugins”.
Awesome Support comes with PO and MO files for different languages so it is recommended to use the second option “Translate themes and plugins using WPML’s String Translation and always load .mo files as backup”.
Once the option has been selected click on the blue “Save” button:
See Also