How to disable agent auto-assignment?

If you need to disable the auto-assignment function and hence have all new tickets assigned to the default agent (set in the plugin general settings), you can add this constant in your theme’s functions.php file: define( ‘WPAS_DISABLE_AUTO_ASSIGN’, true );

How to set the product field as mandatory?

If you have enabled multi-products support and want to make the “Product” field in the submission form mandatory, just add the following code snippet to your theme’s functions.php file: Don’t want to write your own code?  Then get our Powerpack/Productivity extension which provides a nice, friendly user interface for this feature.

How to change the tickets slug?

By default, all tickets will be accessed through a URL of the type If you wish to change the slug ticket to something else, let’s say help, so that your URLs look like, you need to add a constant in your theme’s functions.php file as follows: define( ‘WPAS_SLUG’, ‘my_new_slug’ ); After you make this change you will need to… Continue reading How to change the tickets slug?

Customizing the outgoing emails

Unless you’re a developer and you know what you’re doing, the best way to customize outgoing emails with WordPress is to use a plugin like It affects all emails sent by WordPress, not only the ones from Awesome Support.

How can I change/add/remove the status labels (open, close, etc.)?

Our Custom Status extension allows you to easily add and remove statuses.  However, if you would like to write the code yourself read on! Ticket “states” are filtered by the hook wpas_ticket_statuses. The hook passes an array of registered statuses where the key is the status ID and the value is the status label. Adding Custom Status add_filter(… Continue reading How can I change/add/remove the status labels (open, close, etc.)?

How to Add Custom Checks to the Ticket Submission Process

Example <?php add_filter( ‘wpas_before_submit_new_ticket_checks’, ‘wpas_extra_submission_check’ ); /** * Add extra verifications to the ticket submission process * * @param bool|WP_Error $go The submission authorization status * @return bool|WP_Error */ function wpas_extra_submission_check( $go ) { // Check something if ( 1 !== 2 ) { /** * If the check fails, we create an error to… Continue reading How to Add Custom Checks to the Ticket Submission Process

How to Limit the Number of Concurrently Open Tickets

If you wish to limit the number of tickets a user can have opened at the same time, you can hook into the submission process using the wpas_before_submit_new_ticket_checks filter. Example <?php add_filter( ‘wpas_before_submit_new_ticket_checks’, ‘wpas_limit_concurrently_open_tickets’ ); /** * Limit the Number of Concurrent Open Tickets * * @param bool|WP_Error $go Submission status * * @return bool|WP_Error */ function… Continue reading How to Limit the Number of Concurrently Open Tickets

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