When an admin switches the language in WordPress, Awesome Support will generally automatically switch to the same language. However, for some languages not all terms may be translated. For these terms, you can add your own translations.
In order to translate the un-translated terms, you start with a file that contains the entire list of terms. This file is located in the languages folder and has an extension of .POT
The core plugin and each add-on ships with a standard POT file. The file can then be used by many popular translation tools to create your own .PO and .MO files that render the text in the language of your choice.
There is usually only one POT file in the Languages folder for each plugin or add-on. For the core Awesome Support plugin, the file is named awesome-support.pot
To start the translation process for the core plugin you copy the awesome-support.pot file to the new language file with a .PO extension. For example, if you wanted to begin a brand new translation for Hindi, you would:
You will need to use a tool such as POEDIT to convert your new PO file to an MO file. This tool can also provide a nice visual interface for entering the translated terms into your PO file.
There are many languages already included with the core plugin – some of them include 100% of the strings already translated while others include only a subset of the strings translated. However, the plugin only ships with the .MO files. In order to get a copy of the human-readable .PO files you will need to download them. You can download them from the links located on this page: Links to Existing PO Files.
The core plugin has been translated into a number of languages by volunteers. Most popular languages have had at least some of the strings translated. The add-ons, however, do not have as many languages readily available but you can translate them using the included .POT files at any time. The process is similar to the one described above for the core plugin:
If you would like contribute to the translation effort, you can join the projects on www.poeditor.com. By performing your translations on this site you can share your language skills with other users and, in turn, they will share their language skills with you!
Please see our document, Using POEDITOR.COM For Translations, to learn more.
Depending on your website setup and configuration you might be able to use the WPML or POLYLANG plugins for translations.
Here are the poeditor.com links for each of the projects:
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See Also