Administration panel translation The translation of the front end and administration panel is different, it is based on the language set in the user’s profile. To change this you will need to access the “Your Profile” page: Once the page has loaded you will need to find the “Language” field and change it to the… Continue reading WPML: Translate Administration Panel Items
Chapter: WPML
WPML: Translating Awesome Support Taxonomies
Translating Awesome Support’s taxonomies Awesome Support comes with multiple custom taxonomies which will need to be translated by WPML. The taxonomies we will be covering are: Departments, Products and Priority. First, we should create sample data for each of these taxonomies. The following Awesome Support documentation pages outline how to do this: Admin configure priorities Admin configure departments Admin configure products In this… Continue reading WPML: Translating Awesome Support Taxonomies
WPML: Translating Awesome Support Pages
Translating each Awesome Support page If you have followed the instructions in the previous sections then all minimum configurations have been completed and we are ready to translate the Awesome Support pages. We will now go through step by step each of Awesome Support‘s pages and translate missing strings using WPML’s String Translation. Starting translation of the “Submit Ticket”… Continue reading WPML: Translating Awesome Support Pages
WPML: Find All Strings For Awesome Support
Finding all strings through WPML for Awesome Support In some cases not all language strings for Awesome Support‘s text domain may be found when first setting up WPML. It is therefore recommended to complete this step to avoid missing strings during your translation process. When Awesome Support releases new versions it is recommended to redo this step in case… Continue reading WPML: Find All Strings For Awesome Support
WPML: Setting Localization Options
Setting WPML localization options WPML has specific configuration for theme and plugin translations. As we are focusing on translating the Awesome Support plugin we need to set one of two options. First, you will need to access the “Theme and plugins localization” page from the “WPML” menu node on the left side menu on the administration panel. Once… Continue reading WPML: Setting Localization Options
WPML: Set Up The Language Switchers
etting up the language switcher on the menu (optional) Now that each of Awesome Support‘s pages have been translated we can add these to the language switcher to the main menu. To do this on the administration panel’s left menu hover over “Appearance” and click on “Menus”: First, we will create the first menu for the… Continue reading WPML: Set Up The Language Switchers
WPML: Set Languages For Awesome Support Pages
Translating the Awesome Support pages in each language When using the WPML plugin each page will need to have its own language version created. So, for example, if a website had an English and French version then there would need to be two versions of a page: one for the English version and one for the French version. For each language to have its own… Continue reading WPML: Set Languages For Awesome Support Pages
WPML: Set Up Awesome Support For WPML
Initial Awesome Support Set up You will need to access the “Plugins” section of the WordPress administration panel and activate “Awesome Support”: Once activated you will see a “Tickets” menu node: Also, when on the “Pages” section of the administration panel you will see that Awesome Support has created two new pages: “My Tickets” and “Submit Ticket”.… Continue reading WPML: Set Up Awesome Support For WPML
WPML: Quick Installation Guide
When installing WPML, there are many options you can choose – here is how you should install it to work with Awesome Support. Initial WPML setup Assuming you have uploaded the premium WPML plugins to WordPress, you first need to activate at least two of them. To activate the plugins required you will need to… Continue reading WPML: Quick Installation Guide
WPML: Introduction
WPML is the most populate multi-language translation plugin available for WordPress. It is, as they, say, THE granddaddy of translation plugins. Awesome Support is compatible with WPML for most basic operations. For some of the advanced functions, they may or may not work for you – there are many edge cases where the translation functions… Continue reading WPML: Introduction