Product Documentation

WPML: Find All Strings For Awesome Support

Finding all strings through WPML for Awesome Support

In some cases not all language strings for Awesome Support‘s text domain may be found when first setting up WPML. It is therefore recommended to complete this step to avoid missing strings during your translation process. When Awesome Support releases new versions it is recommended to redo this step in case new strings are added to its text domain.

To find all strings for Awesome Support you will need to access the “Theme and plugins localization” page from the “WPML” administration panel’s left menu node:

When the page has loaded locate the “Strings in plugins” section. You will then need to find the checkbox for “Awesome Support” and select it. Once that is done click on the “Scan selected plugins for strings” blue button:

WPML Strings in the plugins setting

Once the button is clicked an overlay will appear giving information about the scanning process and all strings that have been found:

WPML Strings in plugins results overlay

You will see that in this example more strings were found:

WPML Strings in plugins updated results

Now we are able to translate all of Awesome Support‘s text domain strings through

See Also

Smart Chat
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